About SEO Minister company and SEO agency

SEO Minister company is a SEO agency, registered in EU, Bulgaria, which offers full SEO Services Worldwide. We mainly cover English language (which we use to communicate to the clients), but with the help of the owners, we do successful improvements in other less competitive languages (usually multi-language websites, where one of the languages is English). We plan to cover few European languages, but it’s not ready yet! SEO training needs time…

Our approach is quite fair – sometimes we can achieve all goals and we provide individual SEO pricing. Sometimes a client don’t set real goals within the budget and we have to say “We can’t do it so fast and with that tiny budget. Optimize your goals, increase the budget (if that is the only reason) or find some other/better SEO agency (best would be with a SEO magician as a part of the stuff)…”. We are not magicians – we do it well, but we can’t do magic… yet. That’s a fair promise!